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Thinking of going back to the gym?

You may have realized that resistance bands, dumbbells, and bodyweight exercises don’t compare to the real thing. Gyms are reopening, and you would like to go back, but is it safe to do so? The answer to that is not clear and depends on multiple factors, including your age and your overall health.

If you have underlying health conditions, such as asthma, diabetes, or heart disease, or people undergoing cancer treatment or treatment with other immune-weakening medication, you may want to continue with your home routine and avoid the gym at this stage.

If you are still tempted to go to the gym, consider the following:

  • Make sure that the gym is using appropriate safety protocols

  • Touchless check-in

  • Screening of staff

  • Hospital-grade disinfectant for equipment and regular disinfecting throughout the day

  • Following local guidelines for capacity and distancing

There is no guarantee that it is 100% safe, but you can do certain things to improve your risk is you do decide to go. Remember that you will be touching lots of communal surfaces once you are inside. So think of everything having the potential to be contaminated.

  • Wash or disinfect your hands properly before and after exercise

  • Wear a mask and maintain a distance of 6 feet/2 m at all times

  • Clean and wipe down all of the equipment before and after you use it making sure to focus on the areas that are touched frequently (seats, handles, and buttons)

  • Make sure the gym is using EPA-approved cleaning solutions that can help minimize COVID-19 spread, like Clorox bleach or Fantastik All-Purpose Cleaner.

  • Choose cardio equipment that is as isolated as possible

  • In the free weight section, create a small area of personal space or move your bench 6 feet away from others.

  • Do not alternate sets with another person

  • Avoid group sessions at this time

  • Avoid small, enclosed and poorly ventilated areas of the gym, even if you are there on your own

  • Don’t use communal equipment such as mats, bands, gloves, etc.

  • Avoid the locker room and bathrooms

  • Avoid showering at the gym

  • Wash your gym clothes as soon as possible, and don’t shake them out to minimize the chance of dispersing the virus into the air

My suggestion:

Play it safe and stick to exercising at home for now

Explore other forms of exercise and do some virtual classes your local gym or studio may be offering