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Some "Health" Foods you shouldn't eat

Fruit Juices

If you think that fruit juice is “good for you” or “healthy,” think again. There is very little difference between the sugar/carbohydrate content of fruit juice and regular soda. But, you say, soda contains fructose or high fructose corn syrup. Fruit juice contains as much fructose per volume as soda. As we know, fructose is processed in the liver, taking the same pathway as alcohol, and converted to fat.

Agave Nectar

If you thought that soda and fruit juice was bad, let’s talk about agave nectar. Agave nectar has more fructose content than any other sweetener that you can buy. We are talking about 90%+ fructose in many of the products. We are talking about high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) on steroids, with HFCS only in the 42-55% range. Manufactured as "HFCS 42" refers to 42% and "HFCS 55" to 55% fructose composition in manufacturing, respectively. HFCS 42 is used for processed foods and breakfast cereals, while HFCS 55 is added as a sweetener to soft drinks. If you think that you might substitute honey for agave nectar, be aware that honey is anywhere from 40-60% fructose.

Soy Protein

A propaganda machine has created the health benefits of soy. Until late last century, the soybean was considered unfit to eat by humans, even in Asia. Historically, soy was not eaten until the discovery of fermentation techniques during the Chou Dynasty (1134-246 BC), when the first soy foods were fermented (tempeh, natto, miso, and soy sauce).

Unfermented soybeans, historically, were not eaten such as other legumes (alfalfa, clover, peas, chickpeas, lentils, lupin bean, and lentils). This was due to the soybean contains large quantities of natural toxins or "antinutrients." These include various enzyme inhibitors that block the action of trypsin and other enzymes that are needed for protein digestion. It also contains substances that depress thyroid function.

A recent Norwegian study found “high” levels of glyphosate or Roundup in U.S. soy, and eating the weedkiller has been linked with various health problems.

Unfermented soy is linked with:

  • Allergic rhinitis (hay fever)

  • Asthma

  • Breast cancer

  • Cystic fibrosis

  • Endometrial cancer

  • Hypothyroidism (under-active thyroid)

  • Kidney disease

  • Urinary bladder cancer

So if you do eat soy, stick to fermented soy products like natto, tempeh, and miso.


You might be surprised to hear that many people are not only still eating margarine, but also think that it is healthier than butter. While trans fats have been removed from margarine, they still contain industrially processed fats. The solution is to eat butter or ghee from grass-fed cows (Kerrygold).

Vegetable Oils

Like margarine, vegetable oils also should be on your never eat list. Vegetable oils like canola oil are partially hydrogenated, highly inflammatory, usually genetically modified, and partially hydrogenated.

They are linked to:

  • Atherosclerosis

  • Congenital disabilities

  • Bone and tendon problems

  • Cancer

  • Diabetes

  • Digestive disorders

  • Heart disease

  • Immune system impairment

  • High cholesterol

  • Learning disabilities

  • Liver problems

  • Low birth weights

  • Obesity

  • Reduced growth

  • Sexual dysfunction

  • Skin reactions

  • Sterility

  • Vision reduction


Seitan seems like a great meat replacement until you realize that you are eating wheat gluten. Eating a large amount of wheat gluten may increase the possibility of gluten allergies and gluten intolerance. Seitan is also very high in sodium and not a complete protein being incomplete in some amino acids.